photo - Commercial Partnerships Sounding Board (June 2023)

"Focus on achieving a positive outcome and effectively distribute the risks"

Commercial Partnerships Sounding Board has their say

“Building stronger, more collaborative relationships with suppliers will help get the best value from the money rail spends!”
That was the message from business leaders in the final session with the first cohort of our Commercial Partnerships Sounding Board, held in Derby College last Tuesday.
With Network Rail, Rail Forum and Rail Supply Group and Railway Industry Association in the room, we explored what the consistent core qualities in being an ‘intelligent client’ means to railway suppliers. Attendees also heard about Network Rail's work to digitise procurement processes, helping speed up decision-making and provide greater visibility of the future pipeline.

Thank you to all the Sounding Board members for their time and valued contributions. Membership will now rotate and ten new organisations that expressed their interest earlier this year, will have their opportunity to be involved.