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GBRTT publishes latest Train Travel Snapshot

Each quarter, Great British Railways Transition Team (GBRTT) publishes analysis of the latest rail statistics, unpicking the reasons people are travelling and consequences for national rail revenue.

The latest Train Travel Snapshot covers the first three months of 2024, and finds:

  • Leisure travel revenue decreased 4% this quarter, compared to the last.
  • Revenue from commuting increased 3%.
  • Business travel revenue decreased 5%.

Rail passenger revenue by journey purpose, 1 January to 31 March 2024

Journey purpose  Revenue* Revenue change from last quarter Journeys*
Business £198 million -5% 27 million
Commute  £1,014 million +3% 174 million
Leisure  £1,370 million -4% 205 million
TOTAL £2,581 million -2% 405 million

*Please be aware, figures do not sum due to rounding.

Notes to editors

GBRTT’s Train Travel Snapshot Methodology

National industry revenue and journeys figures are taken from those published by ORR each quarter. These figures and the methodology used to infer them can be found on the Passenger Rail Usage page of ORR’s data portal.

Data from the Wavelength survey has been used by GBRTT’s Passenger Revenue team to infer an estimated split of revenue and journeys by market for each quarter. These proportions have been applied to the overall ORR revenue and journeys figures. All revenue data is presented in January to March 2024 prices.

The statistics for 2024 Quarter 4 (1 January to 31 March 2024) were published by ORR on 13 June 2024, and so the figures presented in this report represent the latest available data.

The definition of business, leisure and commuter travellers is based on responses from the Wavelength survey:

  • A business traveller is someone who is travelling on company business, i.e. for a work meeting
  • A commuter is someone who is travelling to or from their usual place of work or education
  • Leisure passengers include those travelling for personal leisure reasons (e.g. visiting friends or family, days out, shopping, entertainment, sports activities, etc) plus people travelling for personal business reasons (e.g. a health appointment, a job interview or other appointment).