industry rail finances blog - John Gerrard May 24

Visualising track and train finances together

A new tool for operational decision-makers

The way rail’s fragmented finances work today don’t easily support those seeking to come together to make operational decisions about train services and the tracks they run on, as they try to do the right thing for passengers, freight customers and taxpayers.

In our latest blog, GBRTT's Lead Finance Director John Gerrard describes a new tool that is helping to provide decision-makers with a better, more detailed understanding of the impact that different financial choices have across the whole system.

He also outlines:

  • How the team went about the complex task of collating and presenting vast amounts of publicly-available financial data in a user-friendly way;
  • The strong cross-industry collaboration it took to bring the tool to life;
  • The sorts of questions it allows operational decision-makers to ask (and receive answers to) about their local railway.

    This work has been a real cross-industry collaboration involving the Department for Transport, Network Rail, Rail Delivery Group, owning groups and train operators. And sharing this tool widely among industry teams is already helping to rail colleagues make better, more informed decisions.

Read the blog at